Cathay Pacific – Aviation and Compliance Training e-learning (2016)
Aviation Specific E-Learning Courses and PPT Templates
I’ve been involved with a wide range of aviation-specific content projects including subjects like Crisis Response Centre Operations, Cold Weather Procedures, In-Flight Child Restrain Seat, Safety Critical Maintenance, ETOPS/EDTO, Cargo Aircraft Loading, Ramp Management, Global Contact Centre Training, Interactive Safety Newsletter, etc. Mostly self-paced learning, but I’ve also assisted the Flight Operations Team with specific PPT templates and other collateral for their classroom workshops.
My role in the project:
The scope of my role in the above project varied. In every case, I was responsible for the client management, high-level solutions and curriculum design, some part or the whole of the instructional design and the general visual design, with a project manager assisting me on larger projects. In many cases, I’ve worked with a junior instructional designer and a course developer, while the crucial and design-heavy courses I’ve developed myself.
Compliance E-Learning Courses: Data Privacy, Anti-Discrimination, Alcohol and Other Drugs, etc.
I’ve been also involved with several projects covering generic compliance-related subjects, such as Display Screen Equipment usage, Data Privacy, Anti-Discrimination, Alcohol and Other Drugs, etc. As usual with these subjects, the key challenge was to create the most capturing and immersive learning experience that he available resources allowed.
My role in the project:
My role in the above projects included client management and high-level solution design, while in most cases the instructional design and visual design was done by other team members.
One can be sure that prompt action is needed when the client shows up to the breefing bearing gifts...
Cathay Pacific
Company: Peak Pacific Group Ltd.
Client: Cathay Pacific
Year: 2016-2017
Development tool: Storyline 2, Captivate 7, Custom HTML
Length: 20-60+ minutes
Audience: CX Employees