Altéa Reservation Desktop Web (ARD Web) – software training e-learning (2019)

Amadeus has recently released an update to one of its key products: Altéa Reservation Desktop (ARD). Changing from the original, terminal style cryptic entries to a graphic interface meant that new users will find learning the software much easier, but all current users will require extensive retraining. Hence, the need arose to create a set of learning modules that cater to both roles. Most current users will transition to the new interface using solely the self-paced digital modules, while most new customers will still attend classroom training. In their case, the learning modules will allow the shortening of in-person training time, taking some pressure of the product trainers and reducing customer cost.
I’ve joined Amadeus to this fix-term project to design and deliver the product training on ARD Web.
My role in the project:
I’ve joined the project after the initial scoping of a 14-module e-learning suite and defining of the delivery method: desktop e-learning. This meant that I had no input in the high-level course design – this something I find benefitial to be involved with, but working as a consultant, it's not always possible. What I did get, however, was a free hand in designing the learning pieces that introduced the new software and covered the key features of a reservation process. I was responsible for liaising with both the subject matter experts and the product managers to define the needs of the audience and design the best possible training for them. The result was a set of interactive learning modules with voiceover, that introduces the key ARD Web features through common scenarios.
During the design phase, I’ve worked on-site in Sophia Antipolis, to make liaising with the stakeholders easier, while the development I’ve done partly remotely. After an initial rescoping from five to eight months in the project length, everything went according to the project plan. I was very lucky to work with a truly supportive team in Amadeus where all stakeholders were on board and gave timely inputs to ensure the on-time delivery of this crucial learning project.
If I could rework this training, I would step away from the strict software training that was previously defined and add a more personal flair to it, by adding short videos recorded with Amadeuse’s trainers. This would provide an opportunity to address the current users of ARD separately and explain the logic and mechanics behind the new interface, making the transition easier for them. I would also try to redefine the modules to be able to demonstrate shorter processes and never exceed the learning length of 20 minutes in each sitting.
Client Feedback
"Zsofia is a person no one should overlook - her professionalism, competence, collaborative spirit, project management skills, and most importantly attitude is one of the best I've encountered in my professional career. She was an instructional designer and developer that that gave me 'exceeding target' results on her Storyline e-Learning project. I sincerely hope that our professional careers cross again on a future project."
— Scott Baker, Lead Instructional Designer for Airlines Services at Amadeus

Amadeus IT Group
Department: Airlines Learning Services
Development tool: Articulate StoryLine
Length: 14 learning modules, each with the length between 10-40 minutes
Audience: Airline employees around the world