MOTIF – The Fit Form (2018)
This online course covers the fundamentals and best practices for the use of a fit form, dummy or mannequin, which is an essential tool in any product development process. Learners will take away an understanding of the importance of the fit form as well as learn industry best practices for using the fit form to maintain core size standards and brand loyalty.
My role in the project:
I had a free hand in designing this course, and worked in strong collaboration with the SME in determinig how best to approach the subject. I was responsible for the time and stakeholder management, instructional design, storyboarding, liaising with the video production team on recording and editing and the in-house graphic designer who created the on-screen graphical elements. I've built the course in Articulate 360 Rise including some StoryLine activities.
I worked on this course remotely, from Colombia, with the subject matter expert, Tracy Rickert, based in the US and the video production team, RESET, based in Hong Kong. We collaborated online apart from the two days of video recording in Hong Kong, wich was overseen on-site by a fellow team member, Ludovic Curtil.
The course is available on Alvanon's online knowledge hub, MOTIF.
Alvanon HK Ltd.
Development tool: Articulate 360, video production
Length: 45 minutes
Audience: Various job roles in the fashion industry